Monday, June 2, 2008

Moving Away Sale

I'm moving away so I'm selling my stuff for extra cheap! Come and see for yourself!
Some of the books are close to brand new!

1. If you buy in bulk, you can get a discount on shipping!
2. If you have a Ruten account, place your order using your account. If not, leave a message here. Be warned, though, that if someone places an order on Ruten before I read your message, the merchandise will still go to that person!


1. 買兩件以上運費可打折。
2. 請用露天帳號下標,沒有的話可以在此留言。不過如果露天上有人下標地比你快就是算他的囉!

To leave a message, click on "0 comments" below. Please leave a contact email.
留言請按下面的 "0 comments." 請留email.